Friday, May 17, 2013


Hi everyone! This is my first post after procrastinating about it since I was pregnant with Baby Z . My name is Janeth A. Naseer. I live in Florida.  I'm a full time SAHM. Wife of a amazing man named Mustafa (not Mufassa like the Lion King). I'm a first time mommy to Zara who just turned 9 months. I love spending every second of the day with her. I am so exited to share all of my ideas with other crafty mommas. From fashion, home decor, recipes, projects with the little ones, fitness and beauty secrets! Our life can be pretty interesting. I am in a interracial marriage and love it because Zara gets the best of  both wolds.I'd like to take you on a journey through the daily life of  Zara's Mommy. 

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