Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Healthy Halloween Snack

Banana Graveyard Ghosts and Clementine pumpkins
You will need:
Almond Butter ( you can also use peanut butter) 
Organic Banana 

First cut bananas in half. You can use as many as you would like to make. I only made one because its only for Z.

Use Cheerios and raisins to make ghost face. 

Put some Cheerios in a ziplock bag and crush, crush, crush! This will be the graveyard dirt. This is a fun step to let your lil ones help. 

Next spread Almond butter at the bottom of the banana and stand on Cheerios dirt. Last peel clementines cut a small piece of celery and stick it on the whole. 

Last enjoy the snack! Z really enjoyed her snack. She kept on saying "Mas, Mas" which means more in Spanish. 🎃👻

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